Saturday, August 4, 2007

Draft 7

2/6/05; TSL #7 – 1 Peter 2;1-2; Gateway Sermon Notes


(Illustration: Spiritual Growth, General) Today marks the Super Bowl, the premier event in professional football. The New England Patriots will square off with the Philadelphia Eagles. Regardless of which side you choose it should be an exciting game. What if the coach of the Eagles went into the locker room with the players before the game and promised a win – and not just a win but also assured them that the trend and pattern of the game would go their way? What if it was more that just the coach’s optimism speaking? What if it were true? This is in fact what the Lord has promised us in the Bible concerning the assurance we have of our eternal salvation as well as our spiritual growth or sanctification. It will not be without its setbacks. It will not be without the times of fumble and interceptions, and the times when we are behind in the score and certain we will lose. But in the end, the trend and the final outcome of the game will go our way. And I am not speaking here just of the final victory of the church in the eschaton, as in the Book of Revelation. This applies as well to our personal spiritual growth!

God causes the new life received at rebirth to live itself out. It prevails.

1. Starts immediately. Romans 6:5-11, Philippians 1:6

2. Grows inevitably. 2 Corinthians 3:18

3. Continues imperfectly. Romans 7:21-25

4. Works inclusively. Galatians 2:20


A. Habit #1 Learn and apply the Word. 2 Tim 3:16-17, Heb 4:12; 1 Pt 2:1-2

In the Word we discover the truth of God, the character of God, and the demeanor God expects of us. By learning and applying the Word we find the knowledge and guidance to grow and conduct ourselves according to His will.

Crave it. 1 Peter 2:1-2
Hear it. Luke 11:28
Read it. Revelation 1:3
Study it. 2 Tim 2:15, Acts 17:11
Meditate on it. Psalm 1:1-3
Enjoy it. Jeremiah 15:16
Live it. James 1:21-22

B. Habit #2 Confess and forsake sin. Ro 8:13; Ja 4:1-5; 1 Jn 1:9; Gal 6:7; 1 Pt 5:8

(Illustration: Sin, General) There is the story of an Indian who lived through the attack of a Bengal tiger. He recounts the attack in chilling detail. “After the first rush that sent me sprawling, the tiger lay with ears flat, tail swishing from side to side, eyes glaring, waiting my next move. I ran – he cut me off. I dashed for a tree – he struck me down. Each time I was torn more terribly, yet the game lurched on and on to utter exhaustion and despair. I was bleeding. At last beyond caring or hoping I played dead. His hot breath seared my neck. His jaws clamped my arm as he dragged me into the brush and left me to cool. Satan is a tiger seeking whom he may devour.

Sins of the mind. Mt 5:28; 2 Cor 10:5
Sins of the tongue. Ja 3:5-6
Sins of the flesh. 1 Thes 4:3-4; Ro 13:14
Sins of bondage. Prov 5:22; 1 Cor 6:18
Sins of omission. Ja 4:17; Lk 10:30-37

Oftentimes in our modern super-sensitive Christian world we miss this point. As a result we don’t adequately warn Christians. In an effort to be loving and sensitive we don’t completely convey what the Bible says about how sin can affect sanctification. The other problem is that we can easily fall into legalism, which we have been warned of in our last two studies. But the fact remains that sin can hinder our Christian growth. There are all kinds of sins; sins of the action, sins of the tongue, sins of the mind, sins of omission. All of these can hinder our experiential sanctification.

Note also Psalm 66:18, James 4:3, and Isaiah 1:16, 17, 59:2. See too Amos 5:15, Matthew 16:24 and 2 Corinthians 7:1.

C. Habit #3 Practice prayer and worship. Ps 34:15; Heb 4:16; Phil 4:6-7; Ps 142; Ro 8:36

In prayer and worship we find sacred opportunities for confession, guidance and reassurance - all necessary elements to grow and advance in the Christian life.

D. Habit #4 Engage in a circle of fellowship. Acts 2:42-47; Heb 10:24-25; Prov 27:17

In Christian fellowship we find the corporate presence of Christ and His Word. It is in fellowship we discover the social context in which spiritual growth takes place.

This includes interpersonal kindness, a non-judgmental spirit, reconciliation, forgiveness, affability. Yet some Christian circles are stuffy, hypocritical, judgmental, toxic, dysfunctional, co-dependent and destructive. Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 27:17.

Participation – This is your church, my church, OUR church.
Discovery – God is doing something unique in your life. What is it”
Respect – We are at different stages. I will be patient with you, please be patient with me.
Confidentiality - Can we trust each other with the important matters of the heart?
Iron Sharpening Iron – Love without truth is empty sentimentality.
Christ Honoring – Let us do only that which will please Christ, since He is here among us.
Fun – Church life should be a journey of joy. Lighten up!

Habit #5 Serve in a ministry. Jn 13:5; 1 Cor 12:7; Gal 6:2; Acts 20:35

In Christian ministry we are stretched to apply the Word of God and our gifts in service, and to focus on the needs of others. As we apply the Word in service we advance our understanding of God, ourselves and others.

Ultimately sanctification is not for us, it is for God, and it is also for other people. Often the problem in the Christian .life is that we get too subjective and caught up with ourselves. God always intended that we have a healthy focus on other people and other tasks that help others. If you want to be miserable; just focus completely on yourself. The healthy Christian is engaged with people and projects. Even in Eden Adam had the chores of presiding over creation, cultivating the Garden, and analyzing the animals.

(Illustration: Spiritual Growth, General) James Garfield died not directly from the wound he received, but rather form the continual probing from the bullets by the doctors afterward (see copy on sermon).

CENTRAL IDEA: God chooses to use practical channels to accomplish His purpose and display His grace in experiential sanctification – Christians grow through disciplining themselves through the motivation and energy of the Holy Spirit.

God chooses to use practical channels to accomplish experiential sanctification - Christians grow by engaging in basic spiritual disciplines - all motivated and energized by God’s Spirit.

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